S. Korean ambassador visits Milwaukee, site of Republican National Convention

WASHINGTON: South Korea’s top envoy to the United States has visited Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for engagement with people close to former President Donald Trump amid the Republican Party’s National Convention there, a diplomatic source said Tuesday.

Earlier in the day, Ambassador Cho Hyun-dong arrived in the city where the Republican National Convention is taking place for a four-day schedule that runs through Thursday.

On Monday, the party formally nominated Trump as the GOP standard-bearer for the Nov. 5 general election, while Trump announced Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio as his vice presidential running mate.

“As the Republican Party has invited Washington-based foreign diplomats to the convention site, Ambassador Cho is attending,” the source said. “He will visit the convention and plans to meet various figures on the ground.”

Cho is likely to highlight the importance of the South Korea-U.S. alliance and other related issues during his anticipated talks with those close to Trump.

Cho is also expected to atten
d the Democratic Party’s National Convention set to take place in Chicago next month.

Source: Yonhap News Agency