“Livestock” seized a cold room to store up to 5,100 kg of illegal buffalo beef.

Chonburi Director General of the Department of Livestock Development Revealed that special team officers raided cold storage rooms and meat processing areas. Found collecting beef and buffalo meat. which originates from many countries, totaling 5,100 kilograms. The operator does not have an import license or a movement permit, so it is confiscated and prepared to prosecute accordingly. Animal Epidemics Act

Dr. Somchuan Veterinarian Rattanamangkhalanon Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development said that he has ordered a special team of officials from the Department of Livestock Development, consisting of Livestock Zone 2, Livestock of Chonburi Province. and Chonburi Animal Quarantine Station Together with police detectives Region 2 and officers of the Chonburi Provincial Security Administration. Police officers, P.C.B., Bang Lamung District and the mayor of Pong Subdistrict Inspect suspicious cold storage containers and meat processing locations. As the complainant learned that Illegal buffalo meat is imported for trimming and selling. Located in Pong Subdistrict, Bang Lamung District, Chonburi Province.

Results of inspection of buffalo and cattle meat which originates from abroad, total weight 5,100 kilograms or 5.1 tons, consisting of

1. Buffalo meat imported from India, 2,600 kilograms.

2. 2,500 kilograms of beef imported from Argentina, Panama, Uruguay and New Zealand.

In this regard, the official has asked the business owner to present the import permit and movement permit documents. But the operator cannot display it. Such action is considered an offense according to Animal Epidemics Act 2015 Section 22 prohibits the movement of animals through and out of temporary epidemic zones and Section 31. Anyone who imports or exports animals or animal carcasses Must obtain a license from the Director-General

The officials then seized all the seized items in refrigerated containers at the scene of the incident. The entrepreneur must present the documents to the officials within 15 days. If the documents are not presented within the specified time, The competent official will report the charges under Section 22 and Section 31 to the investigating officer of Next area police station

For inspecting the cold room Trimming place and places to sell livestock products throughout the country It is the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. which sets out measures to declare war on illegal agricultural products The Livestock Department has continuously and seriously implemented this.

At the same time, we recommend that consumers choose to purchase meat from reliable places or sources. and be assured that no illegal meat will be sold As for the Department of Livestock Development There is an alternative project for consumers, namely the “OK Livestock Project” in which the Department of Livestock Development certifies that the meat sold is safe and meets standards. The source can be verified to be from a standardized farm. and comes from a hygienic butchery By paying attention to the “Livestock OK” symbol, which is a confirmation and reassurance to consumers that Get to consume Thai meat that is produced to meet standards. and is definitely food safe

If people want more information or witness wrongdoing regarding livestock Please contact staff for information. Or report clues about wrongdoing so that legal action can be taken through the Call Center 063-225-6888 or the DLD 4.0 application that can be downloaded and installed on every phone system.

Source: Thai News Agency