Interrogation of Vietnamese guide to expand investigation into cyanide murder case to clear 10 million debt

Bangkok, Police summoned a Vietnamese tour guide for questioning because one of the deceased had ordered the tour guide to buy ‘Snake No. 7’. The tour guide insisted that he had no knowledge of the drugging. Police initially sent ‘Snake No. 7’ for examination.

The case of the massacre of 6 Vietnamese people, the police opened the layout of the room and the CCTV cameras in front of the room of the 6 deceased people, confirming clearly that the investigation did not find any Thai people involved because on the afternoon of the incident, July 15, the people in the room ordered food twice. The first time, they ordered 5 plates of fried rice, 4 plates of tom yum goong, 4 plates of stir-fried mixed vegetables, 1 plate of stir-fried morning glory, and 2 thermoses of tea with 6 teacups. The second time, they ordered 1 more plate of fried rice. But the point is that the first time they ordered tea, at that time the staff brought a set of thermoses of tea and hot water cups and offered to make tea for them, but Ms. Ch
ereen Chong, who was alone in the room, showed a serious expression and insisted on making it herself.

Then the CCTV footage showed five other compatriots gradually carrying their luggage into the room, and since then, no one has been seen leaving the room again.

The examination of 6 teacups and 1 teapot found cyanide. One teapot contained a tea bag containing cyanide. Another tea bag was found in the trash. From the evidence, it is believed that Ms. Chereen, the woman in green in the CCTV, may have poisoned the person with cyanide. This is because Ms. Chereen invited a couple in this group to invest 10 million baht in building a hospital in Japan. However, after the couple invested, there was no progress on any of the matters. When asked about the debt, they did not receive an answer. This led to an appointment with the relevant persons to clear the debt.

In addition to Ms. Chereen, another person suspected of being involved in the drugging is Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan, one of the deceased, who acted as a
fundraising agent.

As for who died first, the police have not yet made a clear statement, but what is certain is that the group of people do not suspect that there was drugging because when cyanide is mixed with water, it is tasteless and odorless and acts quickly, sometimes in less than 5 minutes, depending on the amount. However, when the authorities examine it, they will know because the skin of the person who received cyanide will be pink and their breath will smell like almonds.

As for other issues that the police want to solve, they include where the perpetrator bought the cyanide. Yesterday (July 17), Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan’s ex-husband was invited to provide information about whether he was involved in the drugging, as he was the last person Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan had a video call with before she died.

The Vietnamese guide was also called in to give a statement because the police found out that Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan had ordered the guide to buy snake medicine number 7, but the guide insis
ted that she did not know about the drugging. As for snake medicine, it is a medicine for treating arthritis pain. The tour guide group with Chinese or Vietnamese tourists knew this medicine well, but initially the police were not clear-minded and sent the medicine for examination.

Autopsies on the 6 Vietnamese have been completed, waiting for relatives to contact to claim the bodies.

Most recently, Associate Professor Dr. Chanchai Sittiphan, Director of Chulalongkorn Hospital and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, revealed the progress of the autopsies on the 6 Vietnamese bodies, confirming that doctors have completed the autopsies on all 6 bodies and have also collected samples for testing for cyanide in the bodies. Currently, they are coordinating with the investigators and all relevant parties to determine if there are any questions or if they need any additional information. If there are no questions, the relatives can contact the Vietnamese and US embassies to submit documents
to claim the bodies. However, regarding the disclosure of detailed autopsy results, they would like to discuss with all parties to ensure thoroughness and thoroughness.

Source: Thai News Agency